How to Get Into Nursing School

Thu Feb 15, 2024

Things You Need:

  • TEAS score > 76,
  • an Essay,
  • 4 Letters of Recommendation,
  • (and the naivete to think this is a good idea)

advice for the TEAS test

First, take a practice assessment to find out your weak areas. You should get a feel for how much you need to study and how long its going to take.

Second, set a date for your test and don’t change it.

Third, make mind maps (hopefully a link of me explaining how to do this) to solidify your memory on certain topics.

Fourth, take readiness assessments the week of, for confidence.

Fifth, relax the day before your exam. You got it.

about the essay

3 paragraphs about:

  • purpose for enrolling

  • the essential functions of a nurse

  • preparation to become successful in the program

Do NOT write more than 2 pages. They do not want to read that.

3 Letters of Rec and 1 Letter of Community Service

Recommendations should include:

  • Explain how they know you

  • Highlight your strengths

  • Give their recommendation specifically to your school’s Nursing Program

Community Service should include the same things above

Other Stuff

If you have you’re pre-reqs done or partially done, you need to get transcripts.

OR if you have no pre-reqs done, you need a copy of your High School Diploma.